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Soldbuch to Obergefreiter Ferdinand Diesing , born on the eight of January 1912 in Hildesheim. The soldbuch is a first issue and was opened in October 1942  with the Sch. Flak-Ersatz-Abteilung 61.


He served with several Flak units e.g. 


18.3.1943-15.10.1943 Schw. Flak Ers. Abt. 19

3.5.1944-31.5.1944 Flak-Schweinwerfer Ersatz Abt. 43

2.7.1944-8.5.1945    Transport Btr. 15 Flak Division.


He  started his career as Kanonier. On the first of November 1943 he was promoted to Gefreiter and finally to Obergrefreiter on the first of March 1945 .


He was awarded the SA Sportabzeichen in Bronze on the 26th of August 1936 and on the 20th of April 1945 he was decorated with the War Merit Cross Second Class with swords


condition: soldbuch is complete with picture, nothing denazified

Soldbuch Obergefreiter schw. Flak Ersatz Abteilung 43

SKU: 22039
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