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Arbeitsbuch  to Eva A. , born on the 30th of Januar 1925.
issued 22 May 1939 by the  Arbeitsamt Burg bei Magdeburg .


Notice the 2 rare entries: Ausb. Abt.f.Ln. Helf. Lg. Nachrichten Regiment 7 Stuttgart-Möhringen  from 13.3.1944 till 15.5.1944 and Fliegerhorstkommandatur Memmingen from 16.5.1944 till 30.4.1945


In addition there are 2 pictures  showing her as HJ-Girl posing with 2 RAD-members (size 8 cm x 10,5 cm and dated 1940) and as  Nachrichtenhelferin der Luftwaffe ( 6 cm x 8,5 cm)


condition: complete with entries till June 1946

Arbeitsbuch Burg b. Magdeburrg Nachrichtenhelferin d. Luftwaffe+ 2 Fotos

SKU: 24122
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